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Yoga Exercise Styles

Yoga Exercise Styles

Author: Smith Bob
With yoga being as popular as it is there should be no surprise that there are many different yoga exercise styles. Some of today's yoga exercise styles have been around for hundreds of years while other yoga exercise styles have been created and based off some of the most common yoga postures and poses. Yoga exercise styles vary in level of difficulty; almost all of the styles are broken down into beginner and advanced levels. The yoga postures used, will depend on the level of the yoga exercise style you are practicing. Each yoga exercise style has a specific purpose and uses different methods and yoga postures.
  Hatha yoga is one of the more laid back yoga exercise styles. Most often Hatha yoga is a slow paced yoga class. It is most commonly designated as the best yoga exercise style to take part in when just beginning to practice yoga. These are because of it slow pace and ease into each of the yoga postures used during a session. This yoga exercise style uses many different areas of each style of yoga. It does this by introducing the beginner level yoga postures of each different yoga exercise style.
  Vinyasa is another yoga exercise style that encompasses many different styles of yoga. The word vinyasa translates to mean a series of breath synchronized movements. This yoga exercise style is more energetic than Hatha yoga. Vinyasa uses a group of yoga postures called sun salutations. Vinyasa is a yoga exercise that will start off slow with a series of sun salutation yoga postures as a method of warm up and then move into more intense yoga postures and stretches.
  One of the more popular forms of yoga exercise used today is Ashtanga yoga. This type of yoga is also commonly referred to as Power yoga. Power yoga is one of the most intense forms of yoga exercise practiced. It involves a series of yoga postures; each of the yoga postures is always performed in the same sequence. This yoga exercise style is very physically demanding because of the pace needed to keep up in the class when switching yoga postures. It is not recommended for beginners. Bikram yoga is another of today's most popular forms of yoga exercise. Bikram yoga is also known as hot yoga. During a hot yoga session you will complete a series of 26 yoga postures in a room that is 95 to 100 degrees. The idea behind practicing these yoga postures in a room that hot is that is acts as a way of body cleansing because of the profuse sweating one will experience. Also do yoga postures at that temperature will allow for your muscles to loosen fully, meaning you will be better able to do the yoga postures given to you.
  It is best to consult with your doctor before deciding which yoga exercise style would be best for you. Some styles may be too strenuous to begin with.
About the Author:
Best online sites to learn about yoga and the history of yoga on the yoga centers page of
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