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Importance of Breathing in Yoga

Importance of Breathing in Yoga

Author: Bella Mclaine

To make your body fit there are many exercise, many equipments, and also medicines. But if want your body fit and fine without any trainer, without ant equipments and medicines. Then there is only way by Yoga. Here I am describing you some features and explanation about yoga.

What is Yoga?

The word “Yoga” comes from Sanskrit. It is a Hindu traditional way of exercise by which we can make control on our body and mind. By doing yoga we can make our body physical and mentally strong. If you do yoga 45 minutes a day after doing that I can surely tell you that your mind and body feel relax. Now there is short information about types of Yoga.

Types of Yoga Position:

  1. Free Spirit

    • Vinyasa yoga

  1. Gym Rat
    1. Bikram or Hot yoga
    2. Power Yoga
    3. Vinyasa Yoga
  2. Gymnast
    1. Ashtanga Yoga
    2. Forrest Yoga
  3. Injured
    1. Iyengar Yoga
  4. Mellow
    1. Hatha Yoga
    2. Integral Yoga
    3. Kripalu Yoga
  5. Self – motivated
    1. Ashtanga Yoga
  6. Singer
    1. Jivamukti Yoga
    2. Kundalini Yoga
  7. Spiritual Seeker
    1. Anusara Yoga
    2. Jivamukti Yoga
    3. Kundalini Yoga
  8. Traditionalist
    1. Iyengar Yoga
    2. Ashtanga Yoga
    3. Integral Yoga
    4. Kripalu Yoga
    5. Kundalini Yoga

Most Popular types of yoga:

  1. Raja Yoga – It is “Royal Yoga” running from the time of king. It is a special Yoga for your mind (dyana) to make it relax. Sit in any position and close your eyes and do meditation. It makes your whole body and mind relax. Do it 45 minutes in one day.
  2. Hatha Yoga – Hatha yoga is widely performed in America. It uses body position (asanas), breathing style (pranayama), and Meditation (dyana). This yoga makes you physically and mentally strong.
  3. Iyengar Yoga – It is a form of Hatha Yoga, is completely giving primacy to the physical alignment of the body.
  4. Bikram or Hot Yoga – Bikram yoga is developed by Bikram choudhury. This Yoga is performing in hot room. This yoga systemically for wellness and restoration. There are 26 different poses in Bikram Yoga.
  5. Pregnancy or Prenatal Yoga – This yoga is performing during the time of women pregnancy to make her body fit and in shape. It also best yoga for your baby. We enjoy performing this yoga in pregnancy period.
  6. Laughter or Hasya Yoga – Hasya Yoga is physical oriented methods that remove your tension, out of this world and place in new world of peace. During this yoga people laugh for 30 to 40 minutes with noise of clapping and Ha Ha……. People perform this yoga to make their mind free from their personal tension.
  7. Ashtanga Yoga – Ashtanga yoga is a yoga therapy, realigns the spine, detoxifies the body, and builds strength, flexibility and stamina.

Following are the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga:

  1. Yama (Restraints or Abstinence)
  2. Niyama (Disciplines or Devotion)
  3. Asanas ( Pose of Yoga)
  4. Pranayama (Breath Control)
  5. Pratyahara (Retraction of the Senses)
  6. Dharana ( Fix of Attention)
  7. Dyana (Meditation)
8. Samadhi (Deep Trance)About the Author: is a great resourceful website of getting useful information on Yoga, articles are written by Bella Mclaine - a freelance journalist who specialize in writing for quality websites.
Article Source: - Importance of Breathing in Yoga


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